Movement as Medicine

Movement as Medicine

Part of your initial exam will be a thorough assessment of your movement patterns and muscle balance.

Frequently these tests uncover muscles, joints or fascia that are tight; muscles that are weak; joints that are unstable; and habitual movement patterns that are harmful. These can all lead to muscle imbalance, joint/spine degeneration, pain and chronic injury.

We take the time to do these assessments because the results frequently uncover the underlying cause of your pain and disability. As the body tries to compensate for something that is tight or weak, some other part of the body is asked to do something that it isn’t designed to do, and it breaks down. This explains why the site of your pain is frequently not the source of your pain.

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Unless these underlying movement issues are corrected...

...your painful condition is apt to either not heal, or heal only partly and then reoccur down the road.

We correct these movement imbalances with specific corrective exercises. This kind of rehab is aimed at retraining the way the body moves. When you move better, you feel better.

Some Examples are:

  • Faulty foot and gait biomechanics leading to knee and hip pain.
  • Hyperactivity and pain of your trapezius (neck muscles) from computer work.
  • Weakness of the gluteal muscles from prolonged sitting, creating lower back pain.
  • Stressful breathing patterns causing tightness and pain in the muscles in your neck.

We’ll always review your exercises in the office, but my goal is to have you do these at home. This allows you to come in for treatment less frequently and in my 30 years practicing I can say that without a doubt, that this kind of rehab helps you to get faster, more long-lasting results from your chiropractic care.